British Commonwealth

Set / Name of Stamp Date of Issue Denomination Image
Early 19th-Century Goanese CoupleNovember 23, 1983 November 23, 1983 Rs. 2 Goanese CoupleGoanese Couple
Commonwealth LogoNovember 23, 1983 November 23, 1983 Rs. 1 Commonwealth LogoCommonwealth Logo
Commonwealth Day : Gomukh, Gangotri GlacierMarch 14, 1983 March 14, 1983 Rs. 2 Gomukh, Gangotri GlacierGomukh, Gangotri Glacier
Commonwealth Day : Shore Temple, MahabalipuramMarch 14, 1983 March 14, 1983 Rs. 1 Shore TempleShore Temple